The 2019 Colorful Calendar is a great tool if you’re someone that likes to organize their schedule in style. It’s been proven that people learn and remember things better through visual aid. This calendar template is the best way to remember all your important dates and schedules for 2019! This simple document contains every month on one page, cutting the hassle out of your daily planning. The Colorful Calendar, true to its name, breaks up the months of the year into convenient tables with unique colors. You no longer have to struggle to remember your plans or major events; download this template today to master your 2019 schedule!
How to Use the 2019 Colorful Calendar
To download the free file containing the calendar template, simply click the link located at the bottom of this page.
Once the document is open, you’ll notice that each month of the year is on one page for your convenience. The months are separated by their unique colors. This will allow you to quickly and efficiently locate the current date and begin customizing your document.
When you are ready to enter an item into the calendar, simply click on a day you have something planned with your mouse and press the letter “A” icon at the top of the page. Make the date red, to signify that you have something important scheduled that day.
Next, scroll down to the bottom of the page to the “Important Dates” section. This is where you will enter the date of your planned event and a brief description. This way, you can quickly look at your calendar, see that a date has been marked red, and read what you have planned below. Simple, elegant, and efficient, this calendar template has it all!
How the 2019 Colorful Calendar Helps You
The calendar template is just a simple and easy to use tool for planning your schedule. It includes everything you need with no unnecessary add-ons that most companies charge to use. With its efficient color design and one-page structure, there’s simply nothing you can’t accomplish using this calendar. Now you can master 2019 with the peace of mind and confidence of knowing exactly where you need to be every day of the year!
Check out this offer while you wait!