A good teacher really can be hard to find. Dedication, patience, and diligence are just a few of the main qualities a good teacher possesses. To be an effective teacher involves working later hours, possibly from home, and creating lesson plans and activities that infuse both learning and fun. This can have a toll on both the teacher and their wallet in the long run. My Excel Templates offers free educational templates that teachers will find extremely useful and very free! With the free Teacher’s Gradebook, educators can easily keep track of their pupils’ scores on papers, quizzes, and more!
Using the free Teacher’s Gradebook
The free Excel gradebook for teachers is available at this page free of charge. Get a copy from the end of our article and open it in Microsoft Excel. Here are a few notable qualities about the template.
- The gradebook template is just that – a template! You can change everything about it. Colors, fonts, sizes, and anything else that comes to mind can be changed in a heartbeat.
- Our gradebook template is so easy to use. Even a novice Excel user will find it uncomplicated and trouble-free.
Tips for the Teacher’s Gradebook
The great thing about the Excel teacher’s gradebook is the features of it that can make an educator’s life simple. Read on to learn more about the features of the gradebook.
- The spreadsheet will automatically calculate totals and grades for students. No more adding thing up by hand. The gradebook gets it done for you.
- Multiple sheets make up this workbook. Keep track of grades as a whole, or look at student scores with a narrower point of view with more in-depth grading capabilities.
- In addition to calculating grades for individual students, class averages will also be calculated. The formulas in the gradebook spreadsheet will certainly make a teacher’s life simpler.
With the hassle-free Teacher’s Gradebook, you can spend more time with the students and less time with your nose in a gradebook!
Download: Teacher’s Gradebook
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