Give your family one of the best holiday seasons they have ever had with the Family Holiday Budget. With this simple and free template, you can plan and organize every aspect of your holiday season by creating a useful budget that allocates funds into different elements associated with this time of the year. All you need to do is fill out the information required by the template in the blank space, and this budget will calculate everything you need. Whether you’re planning a party or shopping for gifts, you’ll have all the tools needed to bring a sense of joy and wonderment to each member of your family.
How to Use the Family Holiday Budget
This document has everything you need on one tab. Go through the “Monthly Income” and “Monthly Expenses” categories and start filling out the required information. In the “Monthly Income” table, there is a place to enter your main budget and the budget of your spouse. You can also list any other types of budgets you want to incorporate this year too.
The “Monthly Expenses” table is the section to enter the amount you spend on each category of the holiday season. The Holiday Budget comes with some pretty common examples associated with this time of the year. You can also change or add any other categories or specific items by clicking on the cell and typing your new information.
When you have finished entering your budgeted incomes and expenses, the template will automatically calculate the totals of all your entries and give you a convenient bar graph to the side. This graph compares your budget to the amount you actually spent, as long as you’re under budget, you’ll know everything is going according to plan! Create the perfect holiday season with this easy-to-use template.
Reasons to Use the Family Holiday Budget
- Expenses and incomes are separated into different sections to make things easier
- Calculates totals automatically
- Convenient bar graphs to display a quick overview
Download: Family Holiday Budget
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