Creating a data feed for your travel business is extremely important if you want to utilize Google AdWords and their dynamic remarketing tools. You can use the free Travel Feed Template to create a feed file in which to store all the relevant information about all your products and services. AdWords will take this information and post effective travel feed ads to users that have visited your site and would most likely give you their business. Download the free template below to get started.
How to Use the Travel Feed Template
The first step is to create a Destination ID. This column is used to create a unique ID or code that will represent your specific item consistently throughout your website. Since your business involves travel, this will probably relate to a destination.
The next column allows you to enter an Origin ID. This Id acts a secondary tag if you need a way to organize similar products or services. For travel, this will refer to your customer’s origin location.
Your Destination ID might not make sense to your customer, but it helps with your system. In this instance, you will use the Title column to create a title for your travel feed ad. In the example given, this relates to the full name of the destination.
You will also need to choose the landing page for your site when your customer clicks on your new dynamic travel feed ad. The Final URL is where you will enter this landing page. You can either choose the URL of your site’s home page or the page of your specific product or service.
Next, if you really want to make a nice impression from a moments glance, you’ll need an Image URL to go with your travel feed ad. Enter this in column E. You can use a JPG, JPEG, GIF, or PNG for your photo.
In the same way you made a title for your travel feed ad, you’ll also want to specify the customer’s origin location, clearly, by entering an Origin name.
Now, the first thing your customer is going to look for in your ad is the price. Enter the price of your travel product or service in the Price column.
Another attractive element to add in your travel feed ad is a sale price. The sale Price column will give you the option to enter another figure, doing so will automatically cross out the price you entered above and use this figure instead.
If you have similar items on your site that you need to feature in your ads, the Category column allows you to create terms to link similar items for recommendation engines.
Another way you can improve your recommendation engines to find the best customers for your item is by entering keywords in the Contextual Keywords column. Use the example to choose keywords that suit your travel business.
If you want to advertise the route of your customer’s travel plans, you can enter a Destination address. The example lists the travel from London to Paris via train.
You can also add Tracking templates into column M. This will allow you to create URLs in which your customer goes through before they are sent to your landing page. One of the most popular tracking template URLs to use is ValueTrack parameters to receive information about your click sources.
The final column, Custom parameter, is similar to the above Tracking column. However, using this you can create your own custom parameters if your business has elements that most others do not.
When everything has been entered, simply upload the information to your AdWords campaign.
Download: Travel Feed Template
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