The Sky Watching Event List template is the perfect tool for any stargazers this year that want to make sure they don’t miss some of the biggest and best extraterrestrial events of the season. From meteor showers to plants coming into view with our rotation around the sun, this template can help you keep track of all the amazing events coming up and get you prepared with all the gear you need. This template is available for free. To learn how to download the free document and use it, just read the instructions below for more details.
Sky Watching Event List Description
This template couldn’t be simpler to use. To start, follow the link at the bottom of this page to get started.
The next step will be to enter the actual event that you want to keep track of. As an example, let’s say that you want to track an upcoming meteor shower. Let’s go through the template and enter the information you’ll need.
Begin by listing the name of the event in the first column of the document. Next, you would enter the date of the event, as listed in the template. You can also use more detail by listing specific start and end times of the event as well.
In the next section of the template, there will be a space to enter the direction, altitude and longitude of the event so you always get the best seats in the house.
If you would like to leave yourself notes to make the event even better, you can use the “Notes” column at the very end. For example, if the area is cold, you could list “Bring Jackets” in this section. When you go to check, you’ll remember to bring that item when you go!
Nothing is better than looking up at the night sky and now you can do it like a pro.
Download: Sky Watching Event List
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