The Sermon Preparation Worksheet is an excellent tool to use for weekly sermon planning. The template allows an individual time slots to focus on several weeks of planning at the same time.
The Sermon Preparation Worksheet is easy to download and completely free. Once downloaded the template can easily be opened in Excel and customized to an individual’s requirements.
Using the Sermon Preparation Worksheet
The Excel sheet requires very little modification and is ready to use. You will simply enter your current sermon data into the fields of the Sermon Preparation Worksheet, and your plan will be in place. Enter the date of your weekly sermon in the left hand column. The data in the columns along the top of the worksheet will be your guide.
When you look at the date of your next sermon, you will have an organized to do list. Working your way across the spreadsheet you will have a column for text, to list your bible verse that will be the theme for your sermon. The next column devotes itself to the thesis ie. proving the point of your sermon.
The third column looks at the proposition, or how and why? The fourth columns will be where you enter data concerning the introduction and conclusion. The fifth column will remind you to “marinade” or spend time thinking on the outline of your sermon and the sixth and final column will be to preach the text.
The beauty of the well-organized Sermon Preparation Sheet is that the design of the rows and columns is staggered through six weeks. Therefore, while you are preaching one sermon, you are laying the groundwork for five future sermons. This gives you six weeks of time to research, explore and mediate on each sermon.
Allowing the six-week planning theme will mean you are never caught off guard. Regardless of unforeseen disruptions in your schedule, you will always be preparing six weeks ahead of each sermon. The Sermon Preparation Worksheet creates your to do list for you and reminds you to be planning ahead.
The Sermon Preparation Worksheet is the ideal tool for anyone committed to preparing weekly sermons. This planning system can be used for preachers of small or large churches, and all denominations and can be easily customized to your own needs.
Download: Sermon Preparation Worksheet
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