Couples looking to conceive a child certainly know how important timing is. Making sure the stars align is the key to achieving the ultimate goal. A basal body temperature chart can be exceptionally valuable during the conception stage. Couples in search of this chart will also feel elated to know the basal body temperature chart template available on this site is instantly downloadable and completely complimentary.
Using the Basal Body Temperature Chart
A basal body temperature is the lowest temperature in a woman’s body during the course of a day. The easiest way to determine the temperature is by taking it shortly after waking up. Nearly all drug stores, supermarkets and big chain retailers carry basal thermometers and most cost $10.00 or less. While the inexpensive thermometers generally offer charts, the template available on this site offers more comprehensive options.
The purpose of charting the basal temperature in a woman’s body is to determine the ovulation pattern after a few cycles. The top of the chart is reserved for the woman’s name and the dates that will be tracked. There is enough space in the chart to cover a 45-day span. For each cycle day you or your partner will mark the day of the week, the date and the time.
Instead of having to write down the temperature, there are dozens of temperature boxes pre-loaded in the template. The boxes begin at 99.1 degrees and run down to 96.9 degrees. Once you have taken your temperature, simply mark the corresponding box.
Below the temperatures are columns reserved for cervical mucus, intercourse and cervical mucus textures. In the cervical mucus column, you will mark “P” to denote period, “D” to denote dry, “M” to denote mucus or “E” to denote eggwhite. The intercourse box can simply be checked off on the days it occurs, and you can make notes regarding the texture of the mucus.
The bottom of the basal body temperature chart is reserved making notes regarding any changes you may have made to your regular routine. The template is printable, so you won’t have to go a single day without remembering to fill it out.
Download: Basal Body Temperature Chart
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