Looking to get your message out with brand new business cards? Save time and money by using the business card template Word sheet. No more sending away for business cards. No more waiting weeks for them to arrive, and no more shelling out hundreds of dollars for the business cards you want. With this template designed explicitly for Microsoft Word, you’re in control.
After inputting some simple and basic information, you will have the business cards in your hand and ready to pass out after just a few clicks of your mouse. Business owners will also love the fact that the Microsoft Word template instantly downloadable and 100% complimentary.
Business Card Template Word: Using the Template
The business card template Word document could not possibly be any easier to use. To begin, you will simply input the name of your business or company in the space noted [Company Name]. The next slot is reserved for putting your name or the name of the person you are creating the business cards for. Next, input the job title for the owner of the new business cards.
The next sections are reserved for the street address, including the city, state and zip code, of the company, as well as the company’s phone number, fax number and email address. Finally, there is a pre-loaded image/logo that accompanies the template, but this can be removed. You can your company logo or image, or leave it blank.
That’s the beauty of this business card template Word sheet: It’s designed to meet all of your needs whatever they may be. You can add more sections for more information, or remove pre-loaded sections if they are of no use to you. The color scheme and fonts can also be altered to give your new business cards your own personal flare.
Once the new business cards meet your specifications, simply print the template and cut your new cards accordingly. The page is pre-loaded with 10 brand new business cards, but you can print off as many sheets as you need to create as many cards as you require.
This business card template Word sheet is just one of the many helpful templates, documents and calculators available right here to make your life a little bit easier.
Download: Business Card Template Word
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