How much money should you bring to college? Likely, much more money than you actually have. The College Expense Estimator is an easy and effective Excel calculator to put together a monthly budget….
College Expense Estimator
Project Timeline Template
One of the easiest ways to record the timeline of a project is through a simple line graph. Bringing information down to just the basics makes tasks simple to understand and achieve. The…
2019 Daily Task List
There are many ways to keep track of your tasks. Paper and pen, calendars, phone reminders, and more. One easy way is the Excel Daily Task List, made to collect all your daily…
Grocery List Planning Template
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to eat better. The easiest way to fail at this is to not make a grocery list and just hit the grocery store. Within…
Any Year Calendar Template
Buying calendars with pretty pictures is all well and good, but in today’s world one needs a digital calendar to keep up with appointments, tasks, and meetings. The Any Year Calendar Template is…
Holiday Gift List Template
The holidays are an exciting time of year. It is the season that people are also buying lots of gifts for many different people. It can be hard to keep track of all the gifts…