One of the things that is particular to a computer programmer’s resume is the importance of the skills matrix. The skills matrix is the list of technological proficiencies at the beginning of the document. It can be daunting to put together this sort of resume, because it is so different from what new graduates are often taught. However, with the help of the computer programmer resume template you will be able to create a fine document to show possible employers.
How to Use the Computer Programmer Resume Template
- Type your contact information into the appropriate spaces at the top of the page computer programmer resume template.
- Next, provide a succinct summary which will let the hiring manager know your level of programming experience and what position you are seeking.
- Under “Computer Skills,” enter the computer languages you know, hardware and software you are familiar with, and indicate your level of experience with each.
- Under “Experience,” enter the positions and companies where you’ve worked. Beneath this, fill out your former duties and describe what sorts of projects you’ve worked on.
Tips for Using the Computer Programmer Resume Template
- When listing projects you’ve completed, try to include results or quantities associated with the completed work. For instance, you could say “utilized C++ to create application that has been downloaded over 8000 times.”
- Be sure to mention if you have held a leadership position, or something else that shows you can work in a team. Unfair as it is, there is a stereotype that computer programmers have poor social skills.
- Be sure to mention every programming language or computer program you are familiar with, either in the skills matrix or in the bullet points that illuminate your experience. This is important because many hiring managers use computer programs that scan resumes for certain software or programming languages. What coding languages you know, and how much experience you have with each, is the first thing employers will look for. This is even important to headhunters, employment agencies and other recruiters.
- Lastly, lay out your certifications and degrees earned. It is important to show that you value continuing your education. The computer programmer resume template can be customized to account for extra educational situations. In fact, if you are between jobs, it can be helpful to take extra classes or learn computer new languages, as this will show employers that you are a self-starter who is constantly improving.
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