Employers rejoice, the days of struggling to organize the various aspects of your employee orientations are over! This template goes over the information with a neat and organized checklist to ensure a quick and efficient orientation that positively influences your employee. The template is formatted to easily customize with any information you need. This document also allows you, or the employee, to check off the laundry list of items you may need to go over, so nothing is left out. Save time and money by downloading this organized Employee Orientation Checklist: perfect for small or large businesses and nonprofit organizations.
How to Use the Employee Orientation Template
Simply download the file below and select an easily accessible location on your computer. Click on the file to open the template. As soon as you have the file open, you can see how simple the Employee Orientation Template will make the entire process.
Once the template is open, you are free to start editing and customizing the checklist to fit your organization’s needs. To change any of the text, click on the cell where the text is located and start typing in your own information. You can personalize the template by entering the name of your organization at the top and by changing the “Item” list, to make your new employee feel right at home.
Once all of the information has been properly formatted to suit your organization, you are ready to print the document by clicking “File” in the top left corner of the page, and then selecting “Print” or “Print Preview”, if you want to see how it will look on the page prior to printing the template.
Why Use this Employee Checklist?
Making sure your employees have the tools they need to succeed in any endeavor, from their first day, is paramount to the overall success of that organization. This checklist template give you peace of mind, knowing that all the information an employee will need was carefully covered during orientation, and that they are ready for any task that might come their way. Customization and simple formatting allow you to personalize the template in a variety of ways. Don’t let anything pass you by with the Employee Orientation Checklist.
Download: Employee Orientation Template
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