This Employee Calendar helps you record and track your employees’ vacation, personal, and sick time. It can be printed on 11 x 17 paper so you can manually record this information and then update the worksheet electronically, so you always have an up-to-date version.
This vacation tracking calendar allows you to track employees’ absences by type, such as sick days, vacation, and personal days, so you can keep up-to-date records of their remaining time off and what they have taken so far. The 11″ by 17″ size of the template makes it easy to read and modify, meaning that you don’t have to worry about marking the wrong boxes.
Whether you want to track time off by updating a calendar template on your computer, or by making notes on a paper copy, count on this vacation tracking calendar to make the process easy and quick. Color-coding makes the chart easy to read, as well, allowing you to note your employees’ scheduled vacation time quickly. No matter how many employees you have, count on this calendar template to simplify your life.
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Keeping track of employee absences can be difficult and time consuming. With so much to get done, the stress of keeping track of attendance is an unnecessary burden that can easily be solved with the 2012 employee absence tracking Excel template. The template is free for your use and simple to understand how to operate. In seconds, you can see all employee absences, as well as quickly input new data. With an Excel template, once you get it you’re good to go! No hassle of learning new software, or paying for expensive programs.
Will the Employee Absence Tracking Excel Template Work for any size Business?
Absolutely! If you have one employee or one hundred, the template is clear to understand. You can effortlessly search for individual employees to check their attendance record or make notes about employees with frequent absences. Other programs require you to do things a unique or cumbersome way to input data, and make you feel as though you are getting your money’s worth.
Unlike those companies, we do not insult the intelligence of our users and understand that as savvy businesspeople, they want the best product at the best price. After all, what can beat free high quality templates? Excel is commonly used to sort information and create data spreadsheets and it’s time it is properly utilized to aid in other facets of business.
Will Employees Have Access to the Employee Absence Tracking Excel Template?
The template can be used on your personal computer so you don’t have to worry about others changing information. It can be private and for your records only. It can also be used on a more public computer for employees to track their own absences whether they are planned days off or after returning from sick leave.
Download: Employee Vacation Tracking Excel Template
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thank you so very much for posting | will be passing the word around to my various groups about this great time-saving resource.
Thank you for this template. It was very useful for 2010. By any chance, do you have one set up for 2011 yet?
Here you go!
2011 Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet
Love your Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet. Have used it for the last 2 years. Are you planning on doing a 2012 version?
Here you go!
2012 Employee Vacation Tracking Excel Template
Is there a way to total the sick and vacation days for an employee?
Thank you for the template which was very useful to me. hope to receive good things from the end.
I used this last year – was great, are you planning on doing a 2013 calendar??
Hi, I LOVE your time tracker and used your 2012 one. Is there a 2013 one available?
What a great tool for tracking employee days! Thanks so much I love it!!!!!