What would you give to have a downloadable financial history and ratios template at your online fingertip? How about getting it for free? Wonder, and desire, no longer as just such a product is ready for free downloads and personal customization. The Financial History and Ratios Template allows you to compare, and contrast, business financial history over the last three years. Templates provide spaces for recording income data, liabilities, assets, and ratio analysis. Templates also includes detailed guidelines for use.
Using the Financial History and Ratios Template
The Financial History and Ratios Template is an Excel 2003 product that has been updated to continue its relevancy today. Assets and liabilities are keyed to a vertical left column.
Assets listed include cash, or equivalents, inventory value, fixed assets, net intangibles, and miscellaneous assets. Liabilities include notes payable, current L.T. debt, trade payables, long-term debt, deferred taxes, and miscellaneous debts. Rows on top of the template list up to three fiscal years and financial ratios.
These bonuses are part of the package:
- Templates are available for free on this page
- Templates are customizable
- Template are easy-to-use, downloadable right here
How to Use the Financial History and Ratios Template
These spreadsheets summarize financial history over the past three years in a user-friendly Excel format. Putting this information on a one-page spreadsheet makes comparison and analysis easier. Templates condense key information for easy access later.
Tips for using the financial history and ratios template
- Fill in customizable grid with company financial data and save the file
- Set up fields required for tracking assets and liabilities
- Set up fields required for financial history and ratios
- Back up templates with paper copies when necessary
Download: Financial History and Ratios Template
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