When it comes to ones health, the more details you are able to share on a Health History Checklist about you, as well as your relatives, the more complete and individualized your care can be. We all have very specific and different needs when it comes to our bodies and how we feel, so it only make sense to have as much information available as possible. When thinking about your medical history it is not uncommon to forget details due to many reasons including just too many events to keep a running record of in your memory.
A health history checklist can remind you of seemingly small details that can turn out to be very important to your diagnosis and treatment. Your relative’s ailments can also be windows into a chronic illness or symptoms that had gone diagnosed in the past. Disease and sickness can be a mystery at times and can require a lot of work to put the pieces together forming a picture of what the problem really is.
On this site, a free Health History Checklist template is available with specific questions to enable a clear depiction of your health history. The template is downloadable and easy for you to navigate giving you an opportunity to give your medical professional the best foot forward in your care.
Health History Checklist Tips
- Be as specific and detailed as you can, even the smallest detail can be one of the most important and the key to success in your treatment.
- If you can’t remember details, try to contact your doctor for any questions or records, they will give you any information you ask for since it is your personal records, you have the right to them.
- Relative information, even if it seems non-applicable, is just as important to correct diagnosis as your own personal details so try not to leave anything out. If possible, ask any questions you can of your relatives if there are any gaps in past events and sicknesses.
- Try not to forget any procedures you have been through, even dental procedures can have effects on future treatments and diagnosis. Medication and/or supplements are also important to record the frequency and amount taken or are currently taking.
Download: Health History Checklist
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