Planning for your family’s future is one of the best and most important causes you can endeavor to do. To make things a little easier, the Household Financial Planner can help you monitor and analyze your spending habits to help you improve for the future. This simple template document has everything you need to go from utter chaos to financial security. You just need to fill out the template and stick to a plan that works for you and your household. If you’re interested in eliminating debt and building your savings up, continue reading the guide provided below.
How to Use the Household Financial Planner
To download the free template file to your computer, simply follow the link provided at the bottom of this page.
The next step will be to enter the current month of your budget at the top of the page. The first section of the template will allow you to enter the income information for your entire household. Simply go through this list and enter all the items that contribute to your household income.
If you need to change or edit any of the categories, just click the cell you need to change and write something new in its place.
You can then move down to the expenses table and start filling that up as well. You should start with recurring bills, such as mortgage, rent, and electricity then move on to expenses that vary, like groceries and gas.
To the far right of the template, there are also a few tables that list expenses that many people don’t consider, such as education (for you or your children), medical expenses, etc. You can fill these out as necessary as well.
The template will display all your information in the convenient graphs at the center of the template as well. You can see how much of your entire budget each expense category takes up of your income. The template will show you if you go over your budget for an expense category as well as highlighting the difference in red.
By analyzing the trend in your spending, you can see where your money goes each month and make the necessary changes to start saving instead of wasting.
Download: Household Financial Planner and Chart
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