Punctuality and attendance are keystones in the corner of professionalism. Therefore, keeping track of both is vital to company success. This applies not only to everyday business activities but also to meetings.
Informal meetings are just that; informal meetings require little recording. But when it comes to formal business meetings, a certain degree of documentation should be performed. The first link in the chain is the meeting sign in sheet. It is important to know who attended the meeting and their respective details for any follow-up or further information required for inclusion in the meeting minutes.
The best way to record meeting attendance is to use a meeting sign in sheet. A normal format for the meeting sign in sheet records the subject of the meeting, the meeting date, the facilitator, the place, and the details of all attendees. This helps when reviewing contributions, suggestions, etc. made by members. Plus, simply passing a clipboard with a sheet attached to it does not cut it. There is a certain degree of sophistication expected at professional meetings. Also, in this age and time, it is best to have a “soft copy” saved in your computer. Soft copies also help to cut unnecessary paper usage.
The best way to achieve all of the above with minimum effort and excellent presentation is to use a customizable meeting sign in sheet template. By using a customizable meeting sign in sheet template, you can make any changes you find necessary. You can ensure that your company name is represented on top of the sheet along with any other unique columns you require. The best part is that you can download the meeting sign in sheet template for free.
How to Use the Meeting Sign In Sheet Template
- Download and save the template.
- Fill in the all of the required details and simply save the file.
- If you want to include additional information, you can insert columns and label them as you see fit.
Tips for Using the Meeting Sign In Sheet Template
- Customize the meeting sign in sheet template according to your company. Add the company name and logo at the top of the sheet.
- Make changes that enhance the function of the sheet. For example, if you are in an in-house meeting, then a “company name” column is not required. Delete it.
- Add details that make the meeting sign in sheet more informative. For example, you may find it useful if meeting start and end times are mentioned in the sheet.
Download: Meeting Sign In Sheet Template
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