Natural resources are one of the most valuable commodities on the market, but just how valuable are they? The free New Natural Resource as Option Template helps you assess the value of a natural resource by putting the data that you enter into a more financial structure and taking the calculations from there. In the end, you will simply enter some data that is asked by the template and receive the information you’ve been looking for at the bottom of the page. If you want to estimate the value of your property or natural resource, then read the free guide below.
Using the free New Natural Resource as Option Template
You will start by downloading the free template file to your computer by following the link at the bottom of this page.
Next, take a look at how the template uses the information you enter by reading the yellow table at the top of the page.
As you make you way down the page, you will simply fill in the yellow highlighted cells with the data that the template is looking for. For example, the very first question is asking for the estimated reserves of the natural resource.
You would look up to see that the estimated reserves in measured in tons, barrels, or ounces. The example listed gives a 100,000. You can see that filling out the rest of the information is a simple matter of reading the material and entering the value required by the template.
When you have completed all the blank spaces that the template needs to give you feedback, you will find that data displayed at the very bottom of the page.
Stock prices, strikes prices, and annual yield will be calculated and given to you in this section of the template.
Making better decisions about what to do with your resources is made even easier with this free template at your side.
Download: New Natural Resource as Option Template
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