Health care providers and private individuals need to know how much has been paid and how much is owed for medical expenses. Billing statements can quickly pile high for both medical professionals and for patients. Knowing how much money is owed and how much money you owe is simple with the patient medical bill tracker.
How to Use the Patient Medical Bill Tracker
The patient medical bill tracker is easy to use and customizable. With just a few tweaks, you can make this template applicable to your specific circumstances. It has a clean format, which makes it simple to understand and use. All of the math work is taken out of the picture as it automatically keeps track of a running total.
- Download the template, and save it to your computer, cloud, flash drive, or send it to yourself by email. You want to have access to the template no matter where you are. For example, if you are a patient, you want to be able to discuss how much money you have spent out of pocket with your insurance company. With the template saved online and a smartphone, you can easily look at it while you are away from the computer.
- Fill in the date of each bill, who billed you or who you need to bill, how much the insurance company has covered, out-of-pocket expenses, description of services and total amount billed.
- Look at the total billed and the total paid by insurance at the top of the template to get a quick overview of what is owed.
Tips for Using the Patient Medical Bill Tracker
- Update the patient medical bill tracker every time you make or receive a payment and when insurance makes a payment.
- Write detailed notes in the description of services section of the template to make it easy to discuss each bill in detail with medical providers, insurance companies and patients.
- Highlight individual rows of bills that have been paid or need to be paid in different colors. Create a key in one of the cells at the top of the tracker.
The patient medical bill tracker is a tool to help you keep your billing or payments organized. You will not have to wonder if you have paid a certain bill or whether your office has received a particular payment. You can see at a glance how much you owe or how much patients owe to you.
Download: Patient Medical Bill Tracker
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