The Project Timeline Sheet is your path to the most efficient organization available. No more worry about forgotten items for your project or goals, this simple template gives you an easy to read visualization for all your tasks associated with your ultimate goal. Whether you’re planning a fundraiser or you want to prepare your store for the biggest blowout sale it’s ever had, this template has you covered. The best part is that the Timeline Sheet is free. All you need to do is click the link at the bottom of your screen to begin the downloading process.
Project Timeline Sheet Guidelines
The template is broken into two different sections that are both easy to use. The top section of the document is a graph that will pull data from the bottom table.
Start in the “Project Details” table and enter the required data in order to get started. There is also a convenient tip box to the right of this table in case you need more information.
You will need to enter three things for each of your tasks if you use this Timeline Sheet. The first is the date. This can either be the date you start a task or the date you want the task completed. Either way, you need to enter a date in the first column.
The next column allows you to name your task. Try to be specific. You don’t want a task that’s named something vague because you want to remember what needs to get done.
The last column of the table is for positioning the task on your graph. This is very useful for separating tasks that fall on the same day or within a similar timeframe as you can see from the example provided.
Once you’ve finished entering all your items in the table, you can scroll back to the top of the page to find your very own Project Timeline.
Now you can take on your goals with confidence with the Project Timeline Sheet.
Download: Project Timeline Sheet
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