Available here for download is a report cover page template that is simple to use and looks very professional. It is free to use and can save you time from having to format one yourself. Here is a quick look at how to use this document and few tips on how to get the most you can out of it.
How to Use the Report Cover Page Template
Download and open the file that is available here. It should execute in any software that is compatible with the Microsoft Publisher 2003 file type. The template is pretty self explanatory. You can begin by putting the company’s name and the title of your report in the area on the top right side marked with insert company here and title here. To the left of that is an area you can put a photo. Make sure to delete the grey box out after you put your photo.
You should have a picture that is roughly the size of that box or that can be re-sized correctly to fit that general size. Near the middle of the template is a spot that you can put the companies logo as well. The last bit of information you can add is the company name, address, phone number and fax number, e-mail address, and homepage. Once you have filled in all this information, you are good to go.
Tips for Using the Report Cover Page Template
You should try to find a picture that goes along with the content of the report to put in the top left of the report cover page template. If you can not find something that goes along with the idea of the report, you could add a picture of your facilities to show off your companies style. If you do not have the logo of the company handy, check the website for a suitable picture. There should be one that you can use there. Once you have made all the changs, print this document out and add it to the front of your report.
The report cover page template you can download here is very professional looking and easy to use. You can use it for any company report to add a little bit of flash to your first page. Try it out and see how your co-workers like it.
Download: Report Cover Page Template
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