One of the most defining areas for any business is the bathroom. It’s hard to take a company seriously with a horrendous bathroom. It’s important to keep your staff organized so you never have customers leaving your store because they took one look at your restroom. The Restroom Cleaning Checklist can help you ensure your bathrooms have been checked, clean, and are customer ready each and every day. All you have to do is fill out the sheet with the tasks you need to make the restrooms spotless and have your team do the rest.
Restroom Cleaning Checklist Guide
The first thing you need to do is download the document by clicking the link below.
After you have the document on your computer, you can begin to customize the document for whatever area you need.
In the “Area” column feel free to go down the list and change any of the areas that are listed to be clean. You can change something simply by highlighting the text and typing something new.
The remaining columns are provided so you can inform your employees exactly when you want these tasks performed. You simply enter new times in the header above and have your employees enter a check mark or sign their names under the hour when they performed the task.
This is the perfect tool for any business to keep their bathrooms, kitchens, or anything else neat and tidy.
The best way to use the Cleaning Checklist template is to customize the document first then print it out to hang on a door or another easily accessed area.
Once your employees learn the routine they can just mark the tasks off throughout the day and you can finally rest easy knowing your customers are happy and comfortable in your place of business.
Download: Restroom Cleaning Checklist
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