After speaking with a physician and gaining a firm understanding of your blood pressure and the dangers associated with have your levels too high, you can keep track of your health and start taking care of yourself with this tracker. The template makes keeping track of this important medical information simple and quick. Just fill out your blood pressure levels for the next two weeks and set a limit for yourself based on your doctor’s recommendations. The template will automatically highlight the day your pressure levels were too high by displaying the number in red.
Simple Blood Pressure Tracker Manual
Start by downloading the free file located at the bottom of this page containing the tracker.
The template will have a space to personalize your blood pressure sheet by entering your name at the very top. Next you will want to enter your ideal systolic and diastolic blood level numbers. You can also set a limit for your systolic and diastolic levels, below that space. After speaking with your doctor enter a limit for yourself and then have your doctor’s phone number readily available on the next line, in case you go above this limit.
As you go through and enter your information each day the template will automatically notify you when your blood pressure is more than 20 digits over what is considered the standard 120 over 80.
After you have finished entering your blood pressure information there is also a section for you to write your heart rate and leave some notes in the last two columns of the template. The “Blood Pressure Chart” tab displays a line graph of all your information and shows you the various spikes and dips throughout the next two weeks. This way, you can easily adjust your eating or workout habits accordingly.
When you have everything ready you can print the sheet by clicking the “File” tab and selecting “Print” from the drop-down menu.
How this Template Helps You
By keeping track of your blood levels, heart rate, and leaving notes to indicate events surrounding your high pressure readings, you’ll have a helpful document for your next doctor visit. If you have been suffering from high blood levels, you need to make sure you have all the necessary information to give your doctor so they can help you get healthy.
Download: Simple Blood Pressure Tracker
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