Making a wedding reception seating chart can be difficult if you aren’t sure where to start. Using a template can help you out. A template is a web tool that will help you organize your thoughts. Templates are mainly for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. This template is free and easy to download. It is also customizable and easy to use.
Using this wedding reception seating chart template is very simple to use. You can us either round tables or square tables. It also comes with a head seating chart and a table arrangement chart. Downloading this template is very simple to do, and you stay on the webpage. Make sure when you go to download the wedding reception seating chart template that your computer is compatible with it. You will need Power Point 2007 or a later version. Most computers have this version though.
Using the Wedding Reception Seating Chart
First thing you are going to do is figure out you want to organize your wedding reception seating chart. You can organize it either by grouping tables or alphabetical order. Next, figure out who is going to sit where. For example, you could group in age. That way when people are sitting at their table they will be at ease and conversant. Another way you can group people is by their relationship status. That way single people can meet new people and married people can share tips. After this, your wedding reception seating chart should be almost done.
You can rearrange the tables until it’s perfect. After you have set up the tables, start the head table seating chart. Usually the bridal party would sit here, but the choice is completely up to you. You could have the bridal party and the parents of the groom and bride. Another way you can set it up is putting your closes friends at your head table. Many people do this. Lastly, you could just put your family with you. This is the best option. Wedding days are best spent with family.
Download: Wedding Reception Seating Chart
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