Well, 2013 has just arrived, it would be nice this year to stay on top of important events. The ones that sneak up on you, the ones for which you need to be prepared. How reassuring would it be to have a convenient way to remind yourself of those special dates for 2013.
How expedient to have a visual aid to check for scheduling conflicts as well as a means to set aside time for regular commitments for the year. Looking at life a week or month at a time just doesn’t get it for these priorities; too short of an interval for the pace of life.
Let’s Look at the One Page Planner Excel Template
For an annual calendar to be useful, the entire year must be visible without paging down or shrinking text to an unreadable size. Meet the 2013 one page planner Excel template, observe that every day of the year is visible. Get practical: first get the holidays identified, then add family birthdays and anniversaries, and don’t forget unique events like your class reunion.
Have you made some resolutions for 2013? You will want to track your progress for those as well, what an encouragement that will be as you look back on the year! The 2013 one page planner Excel template is also a tool for selecting family vacation dates or deciding whether to take on additional time commitments.
More About the One Page Planner Excel Template
Utilize the Excel formatting capabilities to color code events by category or importance. Insert photographs and art to personalize the calendar. Add links to time sensitive documents as well. The tool buttons will aid working in the document; for instance, the zoom button will allow you to focus in on specific days or weeks. Take the long view this year and download the 2013 one page planner Excel template and put it to work.
Download: 2013-Printable-One-Page-Excel-Yearly-Planner-Excel-Template
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