If you’re looking for a simple way to keep track of the calendar year this time around, there is no better way than with the 2016 Single Page Calendar. This handy little template will provide you with every month on one page. The calendar template also lets you keep track of any significant event with a section for general notes at the bottom of the page. Everything you need for the year will be conveniently located on a single printable page! No hassle and no charges included, just a simple and free calendar template that will help you make this year one to remember!
2016 Single Page Calendar User Manual
Download the free file below. Just click the link given to you at the bottom of this page to get started!
With the calendar template open, you can see how easy and simple the document is to customize and use. Start by entering the current year at the very top of the page. The pre-written text lists the year as 2016!
The next step is to print the document so you have a physical copy you can carry around or hang somewhere in your home. To print the calendar template, simply click “File” then “Print” in the left-hand corner of your screen.
Once printed, just highlight the month you are currently in, then circle or highlight any important or relevant dates that you have plans for. This way, you know you have something special planned for that day.
At the bottom of the sheet, there is also a helpful “Notes” section. In this space, you can list the details of your monthly plans, so you know exactly what your schedule is that day. Be sure to write down the full date next to the description.
When you are finished with a month, print another blank document and repeat the process over again. Conquer the New Year with this calendar template!
Why You Should Use the 2016 Single Page Calendar
Everyone makes a resolution to do better for the New Year. This template can actually help you accomplish those goals. The key is good organization and strategy. With these skills alone, you can easily take the steps necessary to complete any task you set out to do. This calendar template is simply here to help you organize your goals into one convenient document. Don’t waste your valuable time or money on unnecessary software; download this calendar template for free now!
Download: 2016 Single Page Calendar
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