A popular thought that people have at the beginning of each year is to try and lose weight. It’s an admirable goal, but usually falls short only a few months into the year. One major contribution to weight loss is eating healthier. The 2019 Dinner Photo Calendar is designed to help you follow through on your weight loss plans by providing you with a way to plan out each of your meals. Everyone’s fallback plan for dinner is fast food. Having a calendar that lists all your meals for a month will help you stay true to your diet and keep you motived through the year as it displays the most delectable dishes for each month. Download the Dinner Photo Calendar for free.
2019 Dinner Photo Calendar Guide
- In the upper right-hand corner of the page you can change the year for your calendar. Start by choosing the current year, the Photo calendar will automatically change the days of the months accordingly.
- If you scroll to the bottom of the page you can also see a list of tabs with a specific month written on them. Just click the month you’re currently in to start customizing your calendar template.
- The structure of the Photo Calendar will seem pretty familiar to you. However, off to the side, you can see a few pictures and a space for recipes.
- Go through the days of the month and enter your meals for each day and the recipe in the individual boxes. To do this, simply click inside the box and begin typing.
- Choose your favorite meal of the month to display in the column to the right of your calendar. You can change the featured image by right-clicking on the stock photo and selecting “Change Picture”.
- Below the featured image is a place to enter the recipe for that meal as well. You can also enter your weight goals and track your dietary progress in this box as well.
Keep your New Year’s resolution and have fun doing it too.
Download: ME-2019-Dinner-Photo-Calendar
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