There are many instances where you might want to check attendance regularly and keep records with an attendance record template Excel. This attendance record template will come in handy and is easy to use in all cases. Though the first thing that will typically come to mind is grade school attendance monitoring, this template for attendance record keeping is useful in other scenarios too, even outside of the classroom.
As a parent, you might want to keep your own records if you feel that the school is not doing so. If you are a private school teacher for any age group, detailed records on progress, performance and attendance are what parents are paying for, so you should have a file like this on all of your students.
For college students, you might want to keep your own records just in case there are some questions at grading time, exam time or graduation time. If you are a high school student looking for scholarships, you should start maintaining one of these for yourself starting in your 9th grade school year. Good attendance and respect for the importance of maintaining this throughout your academic life might impress scholarship organizations.
In addition, this template for attendance record can also be a great teaching tool for older kids on their way to college. It can make them aware of what their attendance and tardiness patterns are like, so that they can correct anything they need to change before entering the college and working world. Sometimes churches like to keep attendance records and this template is also great for keeping up with adult attendance to CEU classes and for keeping up with employee work attendance in small companies.
How to Use Your Attendance Record Template
This is a simple template to use. Just input the basic information it asks for on a regular basis and it will automatically calculate the total number of tardy days, excused and unexcused absences and days of normal attendance for you to retrieve whenever you need to. It’s probably best to maintain a paper attendance record and update the Excel records on a weekly basis.
Tips on Using Your Attendance Record Template Excel
- There is no need to print this out regularly. You will probably only need to print it out on demand or at the end of the year or term.
- When you do print it out, be aware that it won’t print out on standard paper very well. It might be best to take to an office store and have the staff print out a good copy for you. Since it is an Excel file, when you print it out, it will be much larger than a standard document and you will likely need to fold it up or roll it up to transport it.
Download: Attendance Record Template Excel
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