Keep track and organize your staff this year with the Basic Staff Count Template. This template is easy-to-read and has everything you need to organize your workplace. The Basic Staff Count sheet has a list of each month and separates the varying types of employees you may have, everything from your standard staff to your temporary workforce. Make your life neat and tidy with this easily customizable template.
How to Use the Basic Staff Count Sheet
Simply download the free file below and select an easily accessible location on your computer. Click on the file to open the template. As soon as you have the file open, you can see how simple the Employee Orientation Template will make the entire process with this checklist.
Now you’re ready to start editing the Staff Count document to fit your unique needs! Click in any cell to start typing over the pre-written information. The Staff Count document was designed to be as efficient as possible; any changes you may need to make are easily seen and edited.
The template lists the various types of workers you have in your employ, and the 12 months of the year. This Count sheet is perfect for anyone looking to bulk up their staff for the upcoming busy season, and keep track of everyone with ease.
Once all of the information has been properly formatted to suit your organization, you are ready to print the document by clicking “File” in the top left corner of the page, and then selecting “Print” or “Print Preview”, if you want to see how it will look on the page prior to printing the template.
Highlights of the Template
- Simple design saves time for quick editing
- Easily customizes to suit your needs
- Quickly calculates the totals you need for any reports or planning
Download: Basic Staff Count Template
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