Do you have the task to create bookmarks that you can give out to encourage students to read or to potential clients, like a bookstore, that can see an advertisement for your business? The great news is that Microsoft has created a bookmark template to help get you started in this project. The great news is that the bookmark template can be downloaded right here on this page and there is absolutely no cost involved to you.
Using the Bookmark Template
After you download the bookmark template you will see that there are two pages with the bookmarks already created along with the crop marks on them. The pages are setup so that will align exactly on both pages when you print them out. The template can be customized best to fit your project. Just remember if you adjust the size on the first page you want to make sure that the template still aligns up on the second page to prevent any issues from occurring.
The standard information guides you with a logo, text, message and hours of operation of your business or library information. Again this is just what is included. If you want to include or change any information this can be done easily. To change out the picture you can just click and hit delete and paste in your logo or image as needed. The bookmark template is setup with 5 different bookmarks. If you want all the templates to be identical you can easily work on one and then copy and paste the logos, texts and fonts to the other bookmarks with ease.
The second page of the bookmark template again is really up to what you would like to include here. The template comes populated with an opportunity to include a name, address, phone, and slogan. This really is where the customization comes in to play. You can use it to include a website or company slogan. If you are giving these out to specific client you can include their personalized information as well. So if you are planning on creating bookmarks for your business take advantage of the bookmark template today to make this task quite a bit easier.
Download: Bookmark Template
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