Budgeting is a vital part of every person and family’s financial future and stability. Knowing where and what your money is being spent on, is important part of managing your finances. When you budget and know what your money is being spent on, you know where your money is going, and what you can cut back on or manage better to save more. The Budget Comparison Template can help you budget and estimate your expenses, and then track what your actual expenses are, so you can see where you are spending more or less than you think you are.
You can view your estimates and actual expenses on a monthly, or a year to date basis, to compare how your estimates stack up with your actual spending.
How to Use the Budget Comparison Template
- The Budget Comparison Template is available here on our website for your use, free of charge, at anytime.
- The template is very easy to use, and will have you comparing your budget to your actual expenses in just a few clicks of your computer mouse.
- You can download the template to your computer for you to use at your discretion.
- Once the template has been downloaded, you can customize the template to what categories and fields that you wish to budget and compare.
Tips for Using the Budget Comparison Template
- Make a good estimate of what you believe you spend or want to spend, on each category that you are budgeting.
- Keep track of your actual expenses that you incur for each category that you are tracking. This will provide you with accurate comparisons for your budget.
- If you continue to enter your actual expenses, the template will let you know how much money you have left for each category that you have budgeted for.
- You can compare your budget on a monthly, yearly, or year to date basis.
Keep your expenses and budget on track by using the Budget Comparison Template. Compare your estimated budget with what you have actually spent in your customized categories. Know where and what your money is being spent on, and keep within your budget on a monthly or yearly basis.
Download: Budget Comparison Template
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