The Business Daily Planner is the perfect tool to help you organize the day-to-day operations of your business or organization. The Daily Planner gives you a convenient space to list tasks or items you want to accomplish for every hour of your business day. You can easily customize the hours to fit around your unique schedule. The Planner breaks up the major tasks of your day into three different sections. Simply enter your tasks and check if they have been completed and you’ll be ready to go!
Business Daily Planner Instructions
Once you have successfully downloaded the free file located at the bottom of this screen you will be able to edit and customize your Daily Planner to fit any diverse work life.
Start by editing the times of your business schedule if they do not match your work hours. You can do this by clicking on the cell you want to add or change and enter in the new time frame. Once you have the times properly formatted for your schedule you can either enter in your daily information or print the blank document to fill out by hand. Simply click the “File” tab at the top of the screen and select the “Print” option from the drop-down menu. Keep in mind that the “Percentage Completion” cell will not calculate the percentages of the tasks you completed if you want to write the information by hand.
The template separates your major tasks into three different columns. Here, you will enter your various tasks to be completed throughout the day. Simply enter your task in the row containing the time in which it needs to be completed. The tables to the far right are where you can enter the number of tasks you have for the day and if they have been completed. If you are entering your information directly from your computer, the template will automatically calculate the percentages of tasks you’ve completed for the day.
Finally, the Business Daily Planner also includes a few sections where you can list miscellaneous errands and phone calls you need to make. These details are often minor and don’t take up much time, so they are separated from your list of tasks.
Reasons to Use the Business Daily Planner
- Calculates percentages of tasks completed
- Easily reusable for every day of the week
- Customizes to fit your work hours
Download: Business Daily Planner
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