Have you ever wondered if there is an easier way to accomplish the goals you set out for your business? Many people have the drive and the motivation to achieve these goals, they merely lack the organization. The Business Project Timeline Sheet adjusts to fit your plans, whether your goal can be achieved in a day or whether it takes a year; this template is completely customizable to suit your unique needs. After following the instructions below and entering a few pieces of key information, you’ll already be well on your way to turning a dream for your business into reality.
Business Project Timeline Sheet Instructions
To download the Business Project Timeline Sheet, just follow the link provided at the bottom of this page.
At the top of the screen, start by entering the current date in the “Start Date” section given. The template automatically adjusts to fit the current year so you can even use this Business Project template year after year.
The document allows you to track projects on a weekly and monthly basis, feel free to start in the “Weekly” tab at the bottom of your screen.
Next, change the “Phases” in the first column to items that break down your goal project/goal. This way, you can customize the document to fit any situation.
As you make your way through the week be sure to update the dates as well. For example, if you’re planning an event and you need to buy food you will list the shopping on a certain date on your timeline. Just add that item and change the date of the corresponding cell.
When you’ve completed one section of your project you can move on to the next “Phase” of the project. Feel free to leave yourself notes in the “Notes” section at the end to make things a bit easier.
If your project is a longer one, you can switch to the month view for more space. The template also gives you a “Sample” tab that illustrates what your template will look like when you’re finished.
Now you will plan the success of any goal or project by downloading the free template below.
Download: Business Project Timeline Sheet
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