Part of being in college means being responsible in regards to your class schedule, your student budget and staying on top of your end goal. Having your collage semesters well planned and calculated ahead of time can save you the headaches and stress of falling behind. Spare yourself the worries of any uncalculated mishaps that might come along the way by using the college planner to organize and track your semester courses, finances and essential books for each course.
How to use the College Course and Credits Planner
Get your Fall and Spring semesters on track by downloading the excel template. This planner allows you to easily take control over your class schedule, status of credits, financial budget, and necessary books to help you succeed. Start by downloading this planner and select the tab for either Fall or Spring depending on the semester. Use the Class Schedule sheet and enter in the start time of your day as well as the duration of minutes your classes are in the “Time Intervals” section located at the top of the sheet. You can enter in the current year as well as you should use this planner for your entire college stay. Once the top portion is filled out, you can go in and start filling in your class schedule in the appropriate day and time slots.
Use the interactive Credit Planner sheet to help you stay focused on earning your degree. Keep a close eye on your GPA, remaining credits, past progress as well as what you have left accomplish. In this section prefill the course name and amount of credits its worth. You will need to update this section periodically with what you earned in order to see what is remaining.
The budget Tracker sheet is a handy tool to help you keep track of incoming money and outgoing expenses. Start by inputting your incoming sources of money in the “Monthly Income” column. Move on to the “Monthly Expenses” section and input your outgoing cash flow that is spent on bills and other personal expenditures. Use the “Term Expenses” section to input your semester expenses such as books, lab fees, and tuition.
The book tracker sheet will help you stay organized in regards to which books you need for your classes and where you can find them. Use this log to record all essential books so that you are prepared with the correct material for your classes.
Once you have prefilled all the information in all the sheets, click File up in the top navigation bar of excel and click on “Save As” , add the current year to the ending of the file name. Doing so will not only aid in creating additional planners for the following years of your college life but will also help you in keeping digital records of each class and expense. Print out your class schedule for easy visual reference at all times. Take advantage of this easy to use, all-in-one planner in order to be well prepared and organized during your college years!
Uses for the College Course and Credits Planner
This planner allows you to easily take control over your class schedule, status of credits, financial budget, and necessary books to help you succeed get one step closer to your degree. Spend less time sorting through different excel sheets or daily planners and more time studying for that A+.
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