After a new employee is hired but before work begins, it is the responsibility of the direct supervisor to ensure that the new hire is aware of the company’s policies and procedures, the duties relating to the position, any procedures which are unique to the company, and given information regarding health and safety procedures. The best way to accomplish this task is with an Employee Orientation Checklist.
This free downloadable template for Excel can be customized to include at least 11 main topics of study for a new employee orientation, along with three additional sub-topics; additional topics of study can be added as well.
How to Use the Employee Orientation Checklist Template for Excel
- Click on the link and save it to your computer.
- Open up the document you just saved, and save it again titling it with the name of the position before the words “Employee Orientation Checklist.”
- Begin replacing the topics of study under the heading “Items” with the topics relating to the new employee’s orientation.
- Save the document one more time before printing.
Tips for Using the Employee Orientation Checklist Template for Excel
- If additional topics of study are required, this can be done by first placing the cursor underneath the area where you wish to add lines; you will be adding them two at a time.
- Insert two rows above the cursor.
- Select the first two topics of study and the box under the “Reviewed” heading and hit Ctrl-C.
- Move the cursor over to your first new row and hit Ctrl-V; hit Esc after.
- Edit in your new topics of study as needed.
- Make sure that you review how the document looks in Print Preview first in the event that you run over into a second page. This shouldn’t happen, however, as this template is formatted to allow for numerous topics of study.
- If you wish to customize this form even further by including your company’s name and logo, you can achieve this by either inserting it above the top bar or in the Header of the document.
Once completed and signed by the new employee this Employee Orientation Checklist, found at myexceltemplates.com, should always be kept with the employee personnel file.
Download: Employee Orientation Checklist
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