It is important for families to know exactly the amounts they are spending every month on a variety of items. A Family Budget Worksheet will be able to help the family see where they may need to cut expenses in order to help save money. Get the family budget worksheet free here today!
How to Use the Family Budget Worksheet
- The Family Budget Worksheet breaks down each category into a monthly amount. All 12 months are listed across the chart.
- The first section of the worksheet is the Cash Available.
- The second section is the Income Type. This is where each spouse will list their income separately from their jobs and any other sources that they receive income from.
- The third section is a list of all the expenses.
Tips for Using the Family Budget Worksheet
- The types of expenses that can be listed can include: housing, grocery, car payments, insurance, home phone, cell phones, cable TV, and any other bills.
- The worksheet can be edited to list all the types of accounts that the individuals have. This can be listed under the Cash Available section. Those accounts can include: cash on hand, checking, or savings.
- An additional section can be added to show the income coming in with cash available, as well as the total expenses. The difference can be shown to show the individuals how much income or loss they have for the month.
- This worksheet is a great way to show teenagers how to start financing their money and expenses that they may have. This will help prepare them for in the future, when they are out on their own.
The Family Budget Worksheet is 100-percent customizable to fit your family needs. It can be downloaded absolutely free right off of this page. You will be sure to see a difference in the way you finance your bills and keep up with your income. You will find that you will be able to save more money in the future. Download your free worksheet today by clicking the download button.
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