Figuring out 30+ student’s grades and GPAs can be cumbersome, so use this Excel template that will do the math for you. The Gradebook Points Calculator is a simple and effective way to track student’s assignment grades and have them automatically calculated to give their percentage score, GPA, and class grade.
How to use the Gradebook Points Calculator Excel Template
Download the datasheet using the link below and open the gradebook in Excel. Begin by filling in your school and class information in the top left area. Next, move to the right and put in your school’s grade standards if they differ from what is entered.
Next, fill in all assignments, tests, quizzes, and other tasks in the bar below. Underneath each assignment, put how many available points that task is worth. Once you have entered the semester’s assignments, go to the column for Student Names and IDs and fill your class in.
As the semester progresses, put in each student’s point score and the average percentage, total score, Ltr grade, and GPA will automatically update according to the data you entered at the top. Once the semester is complete, you will have each student’s full grade range available. At the bottom, this template will automatically have calculated the class summary average.
Tips for using the Gradebook Points Calculator
- Make the top portion with the grading rubric and semester assignments available for student’s to see so they can also know what points are available.
- Override any automatic calculations (such as GPA) by simply typing over them.
- Keep a backup copy of the grade sheets in case of a system crash, and don’t store anything on a cloud-based system.
- To give extra credit, just add more points to an assignment than what you list as the maximum. The system will just calculate this as extra credit.
Download the Gradebook Points Calculator
Template Courtesy of Microsoft
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