The Holiday Trip Planner is the best way to map your entire holiday journey. With an easily customizable design and convenient drop-down menus to help you quickly change any detail, this template has all the tools you need to fill each day with a clearly laid-out schedule. Just enter all the information listed in this template and you will have a step-by-step plan to help you maximize the entire getaway. This is a great tool for any individual or someone traveling on business to accomplish certain tasks and make sure they have been completed. Make your holiday travel simple and convenient with this Trip Planner!
How to Use the Holiday Trip Planner
After you have successfully downloaded the file below, containing the Trip Planner, you can begin to edit and customize your document!
The Planner is set up to be as simple and straightforward as possible. Start in the upper left-hand corner of the page by filling out the required information. Here you can enter your name, length of trip, the total number of people accompanying you, and the date of your trip.
Next, move down to the main table and select the times you want to schedule certain events on your trip. There is a convenient drop-down menu to select specific dates and times. After you have entered in the relevant times and day, simply click in the corresponding cells, under the day, and write down anything you want to accomplish during that time.
At the bottom of the page, there is also a section to mark your various expenses along your trip. This is just a simple way for you to monitor your spending and keep everything in the budget as you plan your ideal getaway. Under each of the categories in this section, simply write the total amount you spent for the day. The template will add everything up for you!
Now you have all the necessary tools to plan the perfect holiday trip!
Top Reasons to Use the Holiday Trip Planner
- Everything you need is one tab
- Keep track of multiple days for longer trips
- Tracks mileage and other common expenses
Plan the perfect trip with this organizational template!
Download: Holiday Trip Planner
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