College life can be fun, as long as you have the funds to pay for parties and gas to get to where you need to be. For most college students, this can be difficult. Going to school full-time doesn’t leave much time for work. Well, you can still find the means to hang out with friends or buy a new computer when yours breaks down, you just need to be a little wiser with your money. The Monthly College Budget is designed to help you learn money management skills and save for important things if you’re living on a limited budget.
Monthly College Budget Guide
After downloading the College Budget template, you can start customizing the document to suit your financial situation.
Scroll down to the “Monthly Cash after Expense” section. All the months of the year are separated into their own columns. Enter the amount of money you regularly take in. This can be from wages you earn, loans, stipends, and scholarships.
As you continue to scroll down the list you’ll notice some pretty common expenses associated with college life. You simply enter the cost of each for you. If some of these examples don’t apply to you, you can easily change or add a new one by clicking in the cell and writing something new.
First, make your way through the starting month. When you’re finished, the College Budget template will calculate all your totals and give you an accurate account of your finances. At the bottom of the screen, all your totals will be added together.
For a more in-depth analysis of your finances, scroll back to the top of the page. You’ll see a few different graphs that break down your expenses by category. Now, you can learn what’s costing you the most and reevaluate your spending from there.
As long as you take into account what’s important, saving is really easy to do.
Download: Monthly College Budget
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