Not for profit groups or companies have to keep track of their spending, even more than a for profit company. The goal is to show where each non profit dollar is spent for tax proposes and for the general public to check on the legitimacy of the non profit. A non profit budget template is a great way to keep track so anyone can easily see where funding is going.
This non profit template is customizable using Excel, is available free, and easy to use. It also includes a sample non profit budget for you to use as a guide. You will be able to easily tailor key parts to your business, including name, nature of business, funding resources and fund raising tracking. This template will provide a non profit budget spreadsheet that is easily captured and printed or emailed to those who would like to see it.
Using the Non Profit Budget Template
- Fill in your organizations data. Include logo, address, and all contact information.
- Set the tracking fields to fit your funding and spending sources. These will include funding source, amount, and details of expenditures.
- Input the funding and expenses for the non profit following the sample non profit budget included in the template. (Don’t forget to delete the sample data)
Some funding sources require their donation be spent on specific aspects of the non profit budget. With this non profit budget template, it is easy to show just where the cash flow is. For example, a local government has granted funds to be used for staff and operational expenses, list this funding source in the first part of the template, and the expenditures in the second part. This way, if grantor requires a statement from the non profit of how their funds were spent, it can be easily tracked.
This template will make it easy for any non profit to supply a non profit budget spreadsheet to whoever may request it. Downloading and uploading the spread sheet to a non profit web space is also fast and easy. Remember, non profit is a tax status, not for profit organizations are required to show how and where their money is spent. This needs to be accurate and available to the public. Using this template is the easy way of tracking and keeping the organization compliant.
Download: Non Profit Budget Template
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