Price Comparison Analysis Template

The Price Comparison Analysis Template is your new tool for gauging the viability of your business’s vendor products. Now you have a way to compare all the aspects of the two money making or money consuming elements to retail with a simple side-by-side comparison. The free template lists the vendors and their prices and you will simply enter the information required and listed throughout. This template will help you every step of the way as you continue to make bigger and better decisions for your business and the products you sell.

How to use the Price Comparison Analysis Template

Downloading the free template is as simple as clicking the link at the bottom of this page. Once you have the document on your computer, you are free to start entering your own information.

Start by listing the relevant information for each vendor and their products in the “IDs & Vendors” tab. In this section, you will be able to list the name of the product, and a brief description. In the Vendor sections, you will simply enter the ID, Quantity, and Price for each vendor and that specific product.

The template will automatically calculate the totals for each vendor and their set of items so you can list their individual shipping and tax information below as well.

To compare multiple different products, you will use the navigational arrows in the “Prices” tab to choose the items you want to compare.

Now you can make the best and most informed decisions for your business and the vendors that you represent and find the prices that work best for your store at the same time.

Why You Should Use the Price Comparison Analysis Template

  • Navigational buttons that allow you to compare individual item prices between vendors.
  • Calculations that include both shipping and tax information included.
  • Printable for your records in case you want to go with a different option in the future.

Download: Price Comparison Analysis Template

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