If you want to keep your day running perfectly without forgetting important dates, meetings or tasks, a printable day planner may be the perfect solution for you. Because you can fully customize it before you print it out, you will not have to “make do” with generic planners.
How to Use the Printable Day Planner Template
- Set up and save all recurring items to save yourself time
- Set your priorities. You can customize the day planner so that you can set special alerts for selected events or even for dates
- You can create several of the printable day planner pages, even a week or more in advance
- Save the file to your computer for future use
Since this template is customizable, you can create templates for work, school, personal or even for workout reminders. These templates are available for free on this page and as an incredible bonus, this template is very easy to use even for those who describe themselves as technologically impaired.
Tips for Using the Printable Day Planner Template
- First: define what the day planner template is being used for with a bold heading. Make it personal, especially if you are using a page for several members of the family
- Second: Set levels of importance. You can use numbers or even color code the events that you do not want to miss out on.
- Third: Review the printable day planner pages from the previous week or from the month to spot and hopefully eliminate any time wasters
- Prefill as many dates, events or appointments as possible and save those in a separate folder.
This is a busy world and there are often far too many things to keep track of. A phone app can be handy but does not give you the space to add notes and often will not let you store a month or more of dates because of limited space. This simple to use and free, printable day planner can help you stay on track, save time and function at a more efficient level as well.
Download: Printable Day Planner
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