Advertising With My Excel Templates
My Excel Templates now offers advertising opportunities for related vendors/products who wish to advertise on our site. Advertising with this site lets you reach an loyal audience that averages 5000+ visitors per day! Monthly we have over 90,000 unique visitors and over 500,000 page views! Use this captive audience to advertise your business, products and services. See zones in images below and rates in table below.
Advertising Opportunities With My Excel Templates
All advertising rates are for 30 days in the specified locations. If submitting an image, make sure it less that 15K and non-flash. Animations are allowed but no flash. Ads will be hosted My Excel Templates and will reside on our servers (no iFrame or JavaScript). Advertisements will be approved prior to listing and may be pulled in inappropriate for viewing audience.
Additional Notes About Specific Zones:
Ads appearing in Zones A, C, D will be rotating advertisements with the available spots.
Zone E and F ads will be first come first serve priority in the location of the advertising in the sidebar.
Discounts available when advertisements are paid by the quarter, bi-yearly, or annually!
Use the contact form to submit your request or get additional information.
Audience Demographics:
54% Female 46% Male
66% Ages 18 – 49
61% College Graduate and Beyond
28% Income over 100K