Become the ultimate shopper this holiday season with the Black Friday Deals Cheat Sheet. You might be pretty skilled in the art of saving but this free template will take your game to the next level. By tracking each and every sale you’ve seen, leading up to the sale day, you can grab every deal online or in-store. If you think about it, you’re bombarded with ads the weeks leading up to any major holiday.
It’s impossible to remember them all. However, you can use this free template to list all the details of that sale and make sure you have everything you need to save! If you’re ready to save more than you have in your entire life this holiday season, read the instructions to download this free template today!
How to Use the Black Friday Deals Cheat Sheet
Downloading the free template file is as simple as clicking the link we have conveniently given you at the bottom of this page.
Begin in the tab marked “Lists.” In this tab, you will fill out the categories for the stores and items you want to track. There is a space for specific stores, store types, categories, and subcategories. You will use this information in the main tab of the template for the drop-down menus to make it easier for future Black Friday sales.
The “Email” tab is for creating great emailing lists to send friends, family, or just remind yourself of any upcoming sales. You will be able to send your customized email with the click of a button to anyone you list in the email column of the “Black Friday” template.
Now, make your way through the columns of the main tab, filling in the required information as you go when you see a new deal.
The template will then show you how much you’re saving, the percentage, and you can even list the distance from your home to the physical store. This way, you can create the ultimate shopping route for your holiday shopping.
Anyone that you include in the “EmailID” column at the end of the template will be notified of the sales you have listed in that same row.
When you’re finished you can fill out the “After Sale Date” information as well to mark what you bought and the deals you missed out on as well.
You can become the master of savings for Black Friday this year and every year after with the free Black Friday Deals Cheat Sheet.
Download: Black Friday Deals Cheat Sheet
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