This template is the be all end all of the blood tracking world. The free Blood Pressure and Glucose Tracker is here to help you create the ultimate list to help you monitor the past data of your blood and glucose levels over the course of time. You can see from the chart that you will be provided with helpful tools like. You can use the free template document to provide your doctors with the information they need to ensure you are receiving the right diagnoses for your health issues. The simple act of recording this data can reveal even the smallest pf health issues that doctors would otherwise only guess at. To download and use the free template today, follow the set of instructions that have been provided below.
How to Use the Blood Pressure and Glucose Tracker
The Blood Pressure and Glucose Tracker is simple and easy to use. Start by clicking the link at the bottom of this page to download the free template today.
Now, skip over the over the graphs that are at the top of the page. You will focus on the data tables below. In the first table, enter the date, time, events that took place right before you tested your blood pressure.
You will then proceed to the next table by entering the systolic, diastolic, and heart rate reading that you came up with.
The next table if for entering your glucose levels, which most modern readers can do quite easily. Go ahead and test this then enter your glucose level in the fir column of the third table. The table will automatically tell you if your levels are too high or low.
Over time, you will see that the template takes the data that you enter and gives you an average at the top of the page, in the far right corner.
You can also see healthy averages in the graphs at the top that you skipped over in the beginning of the tutorial. If you notice that you deviate from the averages, speak with your doctor about a possible problem.
Download: Blood Pressure and Glucose Tracker
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