Excel 2007 compatibility with previous versions
If you have recently gotten Excel 2007, you may have noticed that the file extension has changed. The new extension is .xlsx for a workbook. In previous versions it was .xls. What does this mean? You will have compatibility issues if you send that new workbook to someone who is not using Excel 2007.
To resolve this, you can do one of three things:
- Change the save as type. When saving your workbook, select Office Button/Save as/ Excel 97 – 2003 Workbook. This will save your workbook with old .xls extension.
- Install Microsoft Compatibility Tool – this is a free addin from Microsoft. If you have this installed, you will be able to view Excel 2007 and any installed Office 2007 document.
- Save the workbook as a PDF – this is a another free addin from Microsoft. Once you install this, you can save your workbooks as a PDF quick and easy!
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