The best way for any teacher to have a good lesson is to have a good lesson plan. Good lesson plans take time. In modern classrooms, teachers are finding time in short supply. Teachers increasingly find themselves running ragged just trying to keep up with the ever increasing demands of the job. From Individual Education Plans to Benchmark testing, from classroom management to behavior modification, teachers are swamped with paperwork. Consider letting the Microsoft Word Lesson Plan Template save valuable time on required paperwork in an effort to spend more time where it matters most, with the students.
How to use the Microsoft Word Lesson Plan Template:
• First, determine the time range for the lesson in question. Will it be just one period, run for a few days, or be an extended project?
• Second, list the objective or objectives to be taught. Format the objective field with the sentence stem “students will be able to…” This allows easy insertion of any objectives required that are IEP specific, along with regular content objectives, while minimizing typing required for future plans.
• Third, give a brief introduction describing how the student’s attention will be obtained. What’s the hook? Interesting questions, quotes, and graphic representations work well for stimulating interest.
• Fourth, list all materials that will be required. Be sure to include books, page numbers, worksheets, manipulative objects, and technology.
Tips for using the Microsoft Word Lesson Plan Template:
• First, remember that the copy and paste tool is a teacher’s best friend. Oftentimes, things like materials are the same for multiple lessons.
• Second, if a student or students have behavior plans or reward systems per IEP, insert the scheduled reward into the lesson plan as part of classroom management strategies or procedures.
• Third, monitor student scoring data. When spotting higher or lower than normal scores, look back at the lesson plans addressing the skill or skills in question to determine what was so good, or not so good, about that particular plan.
• Fourth, share lesson plans with other professional educators. Networking is a great way to get new ideas.
Teaching is one of the most rewarding and demanding careers in existence. Let the Microsoft Word Lesson Plan Template help the planning part be a little faster and a little easier by visiting http://myexceltemplates.com.
Download: Lesson Plan Template Word
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