Have you ever wanted to plan out your schedule months in advance and with relative ease? If you’re someone that loves organization or wants to develop great organizational skills and habits, then the 2019 Simple Calendar is the perfect template for you! The Simple Calendar will be the guiding force for you to accomplish all your established goals, events, and appointments month by month. The template makes transitional from one month to the next simple and easy with the navigational tabs at the bottom as well. The only thing left to do is simply enter your schedule into the document and print the sheet out for you to view at your leisure. Download the 2019 Simple Calendar template free today and get started on achieving all your goals for 2019!
2019 Simple Calendar Guide
To download the document to your computer, simply click the link provided at the bottom of this page!
The template has all 12 months listed on the bottom of your screen. Click on your current month to get started!
Once you have a month open, you can start entering your schedule into that month. To insert a certain item into the document, click in any of the boxes corresponding with your planned date, then start typing. You’ll notice that the weekends are conveniently highlighted for you, making your dates easier to locate.
In addition to the highlighted weekend, the previous month and following two months are displayed in the top right corner of the page.
Continue going through the entire month and filling out your schedule. Once complete, you can print the monthly sheet by pressing “File” and “Print” at the top of your screen. You can also list any helpful notes at the bottom, in the “Notes” section.
Don’t let your schedule rule your life; master your time with this simple template!
Top Features of the 2019 Simple Calendar
- Every month has its own page
- Plenty of space to write a schedule
- Helpful “Notes” section included
Download: 2019-Any-Year-Printable-Calendar
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