Have you ever seen a recipe and thought, “If only I could save that for later?” Well, now you can. The free Recipe Tracker Template is an all-inclusive tool that helps you keep track of this data with ease. You will be given a fully customizable sheet with different tabs. You can enter recipes for the entire week, with everything down to the cook-time included. Using this template, you will be able to follow a regimented diet and start to save money. All you need to do is enter the information required by the template, maybe include a nice picture to keep you motivated too, and then bust out the planner when you need to make that meal. That’s it, that’s all there is to it.
Getting to Know the Recipe Tracker Template
Downloading the free template is a snap; just follow the link provided below to get started.
Now, check out the “How to Use” sheet. To add more categories and names under the existing table go to the “Category Setup” sheet.
To create a new recipe, just copy an existing tab. After creating a new recipe sheet, change the name in cell “E5” and a corresponding name on the sheet tab.
To add the newly created recipe sheet to the “recipe contents” table, create a new table row, copy the recipe name from above, and change the name in the formula to the newly created sheet name.
You can add new recipes by following the examples in the other tabs. When you have become acquainted with the information, you’ll eventually delete and change the examples as well. You just want to make sure you’ve included things like the number of servings, cook-time, ingredients, etc.
With this template, you’ll always have a dish ready to impress friends and family this year.
Download: Recipe Tracker Template
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