The free Monthly College Budget Analysis is the perfect tool to start setting up a budget, perfectly tailored for your own use. This free document is all you need to finally break free from your outrageous spending habits and finally start to see the trends in your spending.
Only with this informing can you make serious changes to your finances and begin to save for the future. With all the tools of this template, you will have everything you need to finally make a difference in your finances this year and every year after, download the free template file today.
Monthly College Budget Analysis Instructions
The free template file is available at the bottom of this page. Just click the link that has been provided for you below. This will allow you to create your very own budget sheet.
You can see that there are 4 main tabs at the bottom of this document, just start at the “lookup List” Tab and begin to enter the item categories that you frequently use and pay for. Examples would include rent and other recurring expenses.
You will do much the same in the “Chart Data” tab below. However, in this section, you will be able to enter the costs for these items as well.
Now for the main part of this template, go to the “Monthly Expenses” tab. This is the place where you can enter all expenses over the course of the month. For example, if you go to a concert, you will list that item, file it under “Entertainment” in the categories section, and list the cost as well.
With this in mind, the budget you created for each category in the “Chart Data: tab will show you a graph that displays how much of that budget you’ve used.
You can also get a clear overview of all that information in the main “Monthly Budget Overview” tab as well. Here, there will be a pie chart that shows the percentages of your expenses for the month as well.
You can save, even in school, with this simple and free template helping you each step of the way.
Download: Monthly College Budget Analysis
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